18 pinhole lovers from different countries share ideas and images made by the Zero 2000 camera in this trade. It is really a special experience and we all would like to share it with you. This exhibition is presented in an inter-active movie show. It is made by Flash 4 of Macromedia and it need a Flash plug-in to play the movie. If your computer don't have one, you will prompt to download one. The download time is about 2 minutes depends on speed of your computer. Movie will start within one minutes and it takes about 2 to 4 minutes to download all the pictures depends on the speed of your computer. Please be patient. When the movie start and a scrolling menu of the name artist appear, move your cursor to center of the screen to slow down the speed of scrolling, move it down towards the scrolling name and the scrolling name will become bigger. Click on any name and start enjoy the pinhole photography of each artist. This exhibition is also hosted by Pinhole Visions
Don't miss it! Don't miss it! Don't miss it! Click on image to enter the movie
Web page last
updated July 22, 2000 |