Pinhole image by Leslie Davis

Birds Eye View    copyright © 2002 Leslie Davis


Camera: Zero Camera

Exposure: 1 sec.

I started out my pursuit in photography, as I believe most do,
with a 35 mm. camera.  Although I enjoyed the images, it wasn't until I was
introduced to pinhole photography that I truly felt as one with the subject. 
With pinhole photography you can get a closeness and perspective that cannot
be obtained with any other form of photography.  I hope to continue expanding
my knowledge in pinhole and the many alternative photographic processes. 

~ Leslie Davis, USA ~ 

bolted_icon.jpg  grated_icon.jpg  silo_icon.jpg  wooden_peace_icon.jpg

nowhere_icon.jpg  benched_icon.jpg  waters_edge_icon.jpg roped_icon.jpg  birds_eye_view_icon.jpg

Click on small picture for bigger image

You may see more of my images at my website at

Web page last updated 5 March, 2002
All pinhole images in this page copyrighted ©2002, Leslie Davis