Collectible Handmade Wooden Pinhole Camera
Pinhole Camera Made of Dreams and Passion...
Zero 6x12 Multi-Format
All images were taken by our camera designer, both the Zero 612B, 612Deluxe and Zero 612P Pressurized back got the same result because they are of the same focal length with the same pinhole diameter.

Sample Images
Film: Fuji RDP
Exposure time: 3 sec.

A long time ago, Hong Kong is a claim fishing village. Now everywhere is the concrete buildings. Tai O is one of the very few village that can still survive in Hong Kong. These photos were taken more ten years ago.

Film: Fuji RDP II
Exposure Time: 3 sec.

Film: Fuji RDP II
Exposure Time: 3 sec.

Film: Fuji RDP II
Exposure Time: 3 sec.

Film: Fuji RDP II
Exposure Time: 3 sec.

Film: Fuji RDP II
Exposure Time: 3 sec.

Film: Fuji RDP II
Exposure Time: 2 sec.

Film: Kodak T-max 100

Film: Kodak T-max 100

Film: Kodak T-max 100

Film: Kodak T-max 100

Film: Kodak T-max 100
Exposure: 1 sec.

Zone Plate
Film: Kodak T-max 100
Exposure: 1 sec.

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