Practice Knife Engraving: A study of Lynton McKenzie's scroll-No. 5 by Zernike Au. 1st August, 2008
Size of this buck knife is 7cm long when unfold. A design is first draw on the paper,
then the main line of the scroll is drawn on the knife, it is ready to engrave.

The buck knife with engraving.
Practice Plate: A study of Bulino Style Engraving-No. 2: Tiger by Zernike Au. 1st October, 2008

A ten minutes quick sketch of the tiger....

Partly engraved tigher...
Practice Knife Engraving: A study of Lynton McKenzie's scroll-No. 2, No. 3, and No. 4by Zernike Au. 1st August, 2008

Finish! The actual size of head this tiger engraving is just 1" tall.
This is not the fake bulino which the shameless engraver use ink to "paint" the tone.
The tone of my bulino is made by thousands of tiny dots and short lines.
Engraving by Zernike Au. Copyright © 2008 Zernike Au
Special thanks to the Master Engravers who taught me engraving:
Martin Strolz (Austria)
Barry Lee Hands (USA)

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Web page was build at Nov. 15, 1999, last updated
April 19, 2015
Web Design: Zernike Au